Our Sunday

We gather together each Sunday to worship our great and glorious God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our God has wonderfully gifted us with His treasure of heavenly blessings and the joyous reality of salvation in Jesus Christ. On Sunday our aim is to praise Him and thank Him. Our Sunday's are driven by the greatness of our God with a passion to know Him more and enjoy Him more.

So, we gather to praise Him, pursue His presence, be ministered to by Him, and to hear Him speak to us through the preaching of His Word. This is such a wonderful setting.

Praise & Ministry

Our Sunday gatherings open with a call to worship followed by a time of praise together. Our music & songs are a blend of contemporary styles and hymns, while being Gospel centered, Word saturated, theologically rich, Christ exalting and God glorifying.

During our time of praise we often have times of personal ministry such as testimonials, personal care, words of encouragement and prayer. We want the Spirit of God, as our Helper, helping us grow in grace together.

What about Kids?

While we have a class for children with special needs available at 10:20 am, all other children remain with us throughout our time of praise & ministry. It is such a joy to have them participating with us during this time. Classes for children ages toddler - 8 begin during our break, just before the preaching of God's Word.

Preaching God's Word

One of the central reasons we gather on Sunday is to hear the Word of God preached (2 Timothy 4:1-5). We want to hear from God through His revealed Word, the Bible, as His Spirit is at work in us (John 6:63). 

We practice what's called expository preaching. This is where we work through entire books of the Bible while giving the original meaning and bringing current application/s. This way God's Word is allowed to speak for itself and feed our faith for life (Romans 10:17). We so need His life giving Word! 

This also means that we are Christ centered in our preaching. Jesus is the central message of the Bible. We want Him being our central message every Sunday - in particular - while we work through the entire Word of God - in general.